Thursday, 18 June 2009

Pet Peeve #9

Strangers who deem it appropriate to make unprovoked, insulting remarks.

Whilst walking through Deptford on Monday I was given some sound, yet slightly upsetting advice by a local 'character' who managed to loudly slur: "lose the glasses mate, they make you look like a twat." This unprovoked taunting was all the more hurtful because it was delivered by an inebriated man wearing a salmon pink polo shirt. As he sauntered into the distance chuckling to himself, I clocked that his shirt had 'Peewee No 1' emblazoned on the back of it. Way to celebrate a notorious celebrity nonce pal. To add insult, the random cockend was wearing glasses as he delivered his remark, a fact that he seemed oblivious to. Talk about throwing stones from glass houses.

After being subjected to repeated instances of random street abuse and drive-by heckling, I have been rendered paranoid and hypersensitive. Just a minute ago a female colleague said that I looked "very rock'n'roll today". I have absolutely no idea whether she was being sarcastic (to be fair I am wearing jeans today, despite working in an office that adheres to a strict no denim policy. KERRANG!)

On the topic of upsetting incidents, I have been informed that later today I am going to have to sport a long-sleeved t-shirt that bares the slogan 'i can help' [sic] on its front. This unnecessary, but severely demeaning garment will be worn as I reprise my role as dweeb chaperone at an IT event. Previous dealings with computer orientated individuals have proved less than enjoyable. To get through the event I am going to refer to everyone as 'chip', and will greet all visitors with a strong handshake and an overzealous back slap. The kind of chronic nerd that I will be dealing with loathes human contact.

It's not all doom and gloom though, as I have some compulsory work drinks to attend this evening which have been organised to mark the departure of a beloved member of staff. If anyone fancies getting in on the 2-for-1 cocktail shenanigans, I'll be the slightly irate rockstar propping up the bar at 'Potions'.

1 comment:

  1. will you have to disport yourself in the unnatractive garment AND wear your glasses. How disagreable. Hope you managed a caustic retort to the sad nob in the street. I[barely] tolerated such incidents for 25 years once spending all my savings on a pair with "revolutionary exciting thin lenses" only to be greeted with the comment from my [then] partner
    "OK jokes over, take the fucking things off" .
    Heartbreaking I think you will agree.
    At least you have a look of Jarvis Cocker. Mine was more Deidre Barlow
