The girl I sit next to at work is currently scouring the Internet for images of Ryan Reynolds. While I acknowledge that the
Van Wilder hunk has quite the torso, I'm sure my colleague could be using her time more productively. I also fear that her willingness to be so bold in her lecherousness is indicative of some broader gender inequality within the workplace. If I was to employ Google image search in order to find 'saucy snaps' of Scarlett Johansson, HR would throw the book at me. After enduring the protracted machinations of a sexual harassment case, I would probably end up on the sex offenders register. Or something of that ilk.
Yesterday celebrated sex addict David Duchovny was her stud du jour, and I think you will agree that the picture she unearthed during her 'sexy surfing' is a genuine treat.
prefer Burt.