Monday, 19 January 2009

I play tennis RRAAAAARR!

Why is this necessary? Every paper this weekend seemed to have a large picture of Murray doing an extremely smug Hulk Hogan impression. I have previously tried to overcome my general distaste for the type of 'no nonsense Scot' persona that Murray is looking to cultivate, but his insistence on continually showing off his 'hot bod' has killed my already tenuous relationship with this man. Sorry Andy, we're finished.

Without fail, even the most fleeting moment of sporting achievement causes the British press descend into an over oxerexcitable frenzy of bellends. Cheesy, wankerish behaviour such as Murray's should be actively discouraged. But as the papers are so keen to portray Murray as worldbeater his tedious antics, including his misguided attempts at jousting Federer, are applauded.

I'm sure Murray will go onto win the numerous Grandslams, but to put things into perspective, Nadal has already won 5 and he is only 1 year older than the dweebish Scot. As successful as Nadal has been when was the last time you saw him running around like the Ultimate Warrior? Or even Rick Rude?

The British press also went balls out of the bath in respect to Ricky Hatton in the build up to his fight with Mayweather. Inevitably Hatton got schooled, and the same cunts who talked about him turning over Mayweather, knowingly discussed the huge gulf in class that existed between the fighters. Outrageous.

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